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Industrial Design | Services | WIDJOJO.CO.ID
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Industrial Design
Industrial designs is the creation of the shape, configuration or composition of lines or colors, or lines and colors, or a combination thereof in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional form that gives an aesthetic impression and and can be realized in two-dimensional or three-dimensional patterns that comprise the feature of the shape and can be used to produce a product, goods, industrial commodities or handicrafts.

A design work is considered intellectual property because it is the result of the mind and creativity of the designer, so it is protected by the government through law no. 31 of 2000 on Industrial Design. Industrial design criteria are new and do not violate religion, legislation, morality, and public order. Examples include clothing, vehicle parts and bodies, furniture and appliances.The design can also incoporate functional considerations, which means that protecting industrial design can involve both copyright, license and patent issues.

Our Services include: counseling clients on industrial design registrability; preparation and prosecution of industrial design applications in Indonesia as well as in other countries; enforcement; and representing client in dispute resolution through either legal proceedings or negotiations.

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